About me

My name is Samson Harris

I have loved using cameras for as long as I can remember. From what started as just a simple hobby , grew into Photography and Media studies A-level qualifications. I then went on to graduate from Falmouth University School of Film and Television with a first class honours in Film allowing me to transform my hobby into a full time profession.

I am a fan of watching film too. I often find inspiration for the content I produce from the brilliant minds who have already mastered this art. A good example of this would be my respect for the director Gareth Edwards. Watching ‘Monsters’ (2010) as a young teenager both scared the hell out of me and simultaneously left me awe inspired at the power of ‘low budget’ filmmaking, and for what a passion for this art could truly achieve. On the other hand ‘Godzilla’ (2014) has to be one of the greatest blockbuster films that I have ever seen. Everything from the Cinematography to the sound design blew me away and honestly left me in a state similar to to what you feel when you first watch ‘Star Wars’ as a child. If you know, you know. No film since has had the same effect on me as it did and as such, if I were forced to categorize it, Edward’s 2014 masterpiece would definitely be sitting tied for first place on my list of the best films of all time, and most certainly has to be one of my biggest inspirations for getting behind the camera.